Yushan Forum
Entering its 4th year, the Yushan Forum will explore the prospect of ‘Forging a Resilient Future Together.’ In the time of a pandemic, we emphasize the importance of building a resilient global society. Under the impact of the coronavirus, the conference will be held in both virtual and physical fashion. In addition to the opening ceremony and keynote speech, there is also a dialogue on the New Southbound Policy, a session on civil society capacity, partnership, and a roundtable dialogue.
Conference Report
The 2020 Yushan Forum: Asian Dialogue for Innovation and Progress is organized by the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF). Entering into its 4th year, this year’s Yushan Forum will explore the theme of ‘Forging a Resilient Future Together.’ Living in the year of the global pandemic, we specifically emphasize the importance of building a more resilient global society. Under the impact of the coronavirus, the conference will be held in a combination of both virtual and offline manners. Besides the opening ceremony and keynote speech, there are also a dialogue on the flagship programs of the New Southbound Policy, a session on civil society capacity and partnership, and a roundtable dialogue.
2020 Yushan Forum Highlights: discourses from global leaders

2020 Yushan Forum Highlights: discourses from global leaders

2020 Yushan Forum Highlights: session 1 - Realizing Partnerships & Collaborations in the Post-COVID 19 World

2020 Yushan Forum Highlights: session 2 - Mitigating Global Challenges Through Innovative Approaches